On 3 Apr 2022, at 15:49, Peter Müller peter.mueller@ipfire.org wrote:
Hello Michael, hello *,
looking at
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.4/platform-1.0.14.tm \
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.4/platform-1.0.15.tm \
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.5/msgcat-1.6.0.tm \
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.5/tcltest-2.4.0.tm \
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.6/http-2.8.9.tm \
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.6/tdbc/sqlite3-1.0.4.tm \
- /usr/lib/tcl8/8.6/tdbc/sqlite3-1.1.2.tm \
Why do we even ship tcl? Is anything reliant on this?
in particular and the tcl rootfile in general, I would like to bring your question up again.
TCL is required at build time for various packages. However, at runtime there is one:
root@michael:/build/ipfire-2.x# grep -r "^#!.*tcl" build build/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch_dispatcher:#!/usr/bin/tclsh grep: build/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc: binary file matches
That means we will need to ship tcl.
This is especially because the current tcl rootfile ships file I definitely expect in the sqlite territory, not here:
#usr/lib/sqlite3.36.0 usr/lib/sqlite3.36.0/libsqlite3.36.0.so usr/lib/sqlite3.36.0/pkgIndex.tcl
Since that script is not using sqlite, you can disable building both modules.
To my understanding, this makes it hard to understand if the sqlite version carried out via tcl takes precedence, or if the _actual_ sqlite version is effective.
They serve different purposes.
Unless anybody has an idea why we actually need to ship tcl, I would like to try out what happens if we don't. :-)
See above.
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller