Hello *,
upcoming Core Update 147 (testing, see: https://blog.ipfire.org/post/ipfire-2-25-core-update-147-is-available-for-te...) is running here for about 24 hours without any unexpected behaviour so far.
Tested IPFire functionalities in detail: - IPsec (N2N connections only) - Squid (authentication enabled, using an upstream proxy) - OpenVPN (RW connections only) - IPS/Suricata (with Emerging Threats ruleset enabled) - Guardian - Quality of Service - DNS (with DNS over TLS and strict QNAME minimisation) - Dynamic DNS - Tor (relay mode)
Since my testing hardware was well supported before this testing Core Update, there is little noticeable to say. I can confirm bug #11994 being fixed and am looking forward to the release of this update.
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller