On 19 Nov 2021, at 06:44, Peter Müller peter.mueller@ipfire.org wrote:
Good morning Arne,
good morning folks,
as discussed at the latest monthly conference (https://wiki.ipfire.org/devel/telco/2021-11-01) and
on the phone a few weeks ago, I just wanted to inform everyone about the current state of affairs
of handling patches:
To shed some load from Arne, who is currently mastering Core Updates, we agreed on me opening up
a temporary branch (ad-hoc named "temp-cXXX-development", where XXX stands for the number of the
upcoming Core Update in question) in my Git repository for IPFire 2.x. There, I will apply patches
being ready to go into the distribution, so whoever is in charge of an update can eventually merge
this branch.
I will subsequently eat through Patchwork, starting with the most recent patches. Additional commits
required (for example, for shipping rootfiles) will be made if possible.
@Arne: Please find the branch for Core Update 162 here: https://git.ipfire.org/?p=people/pmueller/ipfire-2.x.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/h...
Let me know if there is anything wrong or dissatisfying, or some patches need to be reverted due
to an update becoming too big. Currently being on the go, it does not contain much yet, but you'll
get the idea.
Merging the patches into a branch doesn’t take that much time, but building the update out of it is what is the important part.
@All: Unfortunately, I lack permissions in Patchwork to mark other people's patches as being
superseded (@Michael: Can/should we change this?), should I become aware of them. As always, it
would be a great help if everyone would periodically review his/her Patchwork list, and scrub
orphaned/dropped/rejected/superseded patches from it.
As always, please drop me a line in case of questions or comments.
Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller