Hello *,
Core Update 181 (testing; https://blog.ipfire.org/post/ipfire-2-27-core-update-181-is-available-for-te...) is running here for about 24 hours by now without any issues observed so far.
Tested IPFire functionalities in detail: - PPPoE dial-up via a DSL connection - IPsec (N2N connections only) - Squid (authentication enabled, using an upstream proxy) - OpenVPN (RW connections only) - IPS/Suricata (with Emerging Threats community ruleset enabled) - Guardian - Quality of Service - DNS (using DNS over TLS and strict QNAME minimisation) - Dynamic DNS - Tor (relay mode)
I am looking forward to the release of this Core Update.
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller
Hi All,
Have also been testing since it was issued.
Have confirmed that OpenVPN RW and N2N are both working as expected.
Also fix for bug 11048 in OpenVPN has been confirmed to work, also when restoring old backups.
No problems found with any graphs.
Backup and restore worked with no problems.
IPS running with ET community and Abuse.ch rulesets with no issues.
Web Proxy with Conventional mode and using both DNS and DHCP for providing info to FireFox browser. No issues found.
SSH connection working with no issues.
OpenVPN RW connection logs and graphs working as expected.
vm system used for testing has a raid setup for the main IPFire system.
ExtraHD with LVM volumes (one on a partition and the other on the whole drive) mounted and accessible as expected.
On 07/11/2023 19:16, Peter Müller wrote: