Oh, that is probably a change that I accidentally committed.
On Debian, the Python modules are residing in a different place (god knows why) and to test things on my development machine, I occasionally change the path.
I fixed it here, and you can just grab the patch:
On 30 Sep 2022, at 16:43, Peter Müller peter.mueller@ipfire.org wrote:
Hello Michael,
trying to update to libloc 0.9.15 in IPFire 2.x, I just noticed that all the Python files are now in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/location/, not /usr/lib/python3/site-packages/location/, where they used to be before.
Thanks to that, "location" crashes with a ModuleNotFoundError. Adding
before the location import statements solves this, but is probably not a fix we strive for. :-)
Am I overlooking something (such as changes to the LFS file)?
Thanks, and best regards, Peter Müller