* Michael Tremer michael.tremer@ipfire.org [2022-07-08 13:02]:
What do you mean by "absolutely compatible"?
Have the same set of packages with the same dependencies. So basically provide what is in unstable, just compiled for buster and bullseye.
Ah, makes sense.
Currently you provide packages for buster and bullseye, I guess you want to keep those.
Yes, I was just hoping that the tooling will build on those as well and I just have to run the build :)
I've just tried that. For bullseye it just works, for buster you need these extra sbuild arguments:
sbuild --extra-repository="deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main" --build-dep-resolver=aspcud
So yes, you could merge the salsa changes but please keep the location-python and location-importer packages in debian/control to ease transition (I don't plan to upload those to Debian).
I've attached a patches for both.
Since I don’t know enough - barely anything really - about the Debian packaging system, maybe I am asking stupid questions. I will poke around a little bit more. Potentially Stefan already has a plan :)
No worries, I'm happy to explain Debian :).
Cheers Jochen