On 16 Apr 2021, at 14:06, Valters Jansons valter.jansons@gmail.com wrote:
_location.la gets built and installed to site-packages/, however an .la file is not expected to reside in the Python root. Additionally, the dependency library listed does not have its respective .la file installed. Further complicating the situation, dh-python moves the site-packages/ files to dist-packages/ silently which then results in a broken libdir left behind in the .la file.
Moving those files has indeed many bad consequences and I am not sure if Debian is doing something that is very logical.
However, I can live with simply deleting this file.
The only reason the file is there is that it gets built inside the source directory, which gets copied entirely to location-python package as-is. Considering the situation, this commit ensures the .la files is not packaged by deleting it from the package files subdirectory.
location-importer package pulls in two Python (.py) files from the source directory. These files should not be included in the location-python package as a result.
And how do they go there when they are just being deleted here?
Resolves: lintian: unknown-file-in-python-module-directory, incorrect-libdir-in-la-file, non-empty-dependency_libs-in-la-file, binaries-have-file-conflict
Signed-off-by: Valters Jansons valter.jansons@gmail.com
debian/rules | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules index 8893b7b..05b88fd 100755 --- a/debian/rules +++ b/debian/rules @@ -18,3 +18,11 @@ override_dh_perl:
override_dh_systemd_enable: dh_systemd_enable location-update.timer
- dh_install
- # lintian: unknown-file-in-python-module-directory
- rm debian/location-python/usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/_location.la
- # linitan: binaries-have-file-conflict (d/location-importer.install)
- rm debian/location-python/usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/location/database.py
- rm debian/location-python/usr/lib/python3*/site-packages/location/importer.py
-- 2.31.1